Globalnet Soluções e Entretenimento

Em 14/05/2012 às 13hora(s) e 50min


Cara Rozani,No Brasil ne3o he1 nenhuma remtgalenuae7e3o especedfica para o caso de pessoas portadoras de epilepsia terem prefereancia de utilizar as primeiras the hint:You can try these places maracas at the time of ticket purchase;Request a better place at check-in;To speak directly with the airline, explaining your situation, if necessary by sending a medical certificate;or, When inside the aircraft, explain your situation to one of the commissioners and ask if there is the possibility of changing the chair.Vale lembrar que, According to ANAC (brazilian civil aviation bureau): A maioria dos portadores de epilepsia pode voar seguramente desde que estejam usando a medicae7e3o. Those with frequent seizures should travel with and be aware of triggers that may occur during the flight, such as: fatigue, irregular meals, hypoxia and changes in circadian rhythm. It is recommended to wait between 24 e 48 hours after the last crisis before flying. "I hope I have helped,Luiz F Farret Administrador

Globalnet Soluções e Entretenimento
Por: Cupra

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